Bases and Camps

Each region of Altis has a respawn point which is either of the following two types: bases and or camps. Depending on your current situation you may enter the game in either one. If you are being attacked you are going to start in a more or less fortified base which is to be defended against the enemy. If you lose the base you lose the area. The base fortification depends on how much the base has been built out. This can be done via the WebGUI in order to progress through the six available levels:

  • Lvl 2: Outer observation posts
  • Lvl 3: Second entrance in the back
  • Lvl 4: Medic Center
  • Lvl 5: Big center tower
  • Lvl 6: H-Barriers all around

In case you are attacking a hostile region by yourself, you will spawn in a simple camp with little to low fortifications. It can't be captured, but it can be sieged, in order to prevent further reinforcements from there. Both structures have the same number of vehicle slots and unlimited troop capacity. All units and vehicles conjuncted with a region (either by being stationed there as defenders or by being moved there as attackers) will be available in the fight.

Spawning System

Generally there are as many spawn tickets as units in the attacked region. If all virtual units that were present in the WebGUI are dead there won't be any respawn tickets left and the operation fails. Although this might seem similar to "One-life" it really is not. This does only account for the human players though as each virtual unit has indeed only one life but each player can take control of whatever unit he likes as long as there is a unit of the respective type in the reinforcements. Once the player has taken over the control of that unit he will be the only one responsible for it until the unit dies at which point the player can take over another unit out of the reinforcements. Having said that it is important to understand that the respawn tickets in game are not a wildcard for an arbitrary unit but for exactly the unit the respawn ticket has been added. That means that if there have been a sniper and a spotter sent out in the battle there are two respawn tickets: One for the sniper and one for the spotter. However each player can play every available role - there are no system immanent restrictions (yet).

Command Structure

During registration you have to decide, wether you want to become a General or a Soldier of a division as well as the fraction you want to fight for (CSAT or NATO). Using the commonly spread vocabulary one can describe the different terms like this:

  • Division (clan)
  • General (clan leader and founder)
  • Soldiers (clan members)

Soldiers start with the lowest rank and can be promoted by the general or his officers. A rank is attended by rights and duties, which are defined by the general as well. There can be only one general per division. As his administrative power is indispensable during the planing phase, the general can distribute all rights to the highest officer, as an adequate substitute, if he can't participate himself.

There are seven available ranks:

  • Soldier, Private, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Lieutenant, Major, General

Rights and duties that can be distributed are the following:

  • see plans, give march orders, order production, promote and award, exit planning phase, determine reactions

The WebGUI

Each round will begin in the web-based graphical user interface (short: WebGUI). Here you're able to manage, control and view everything concerning the current campaign, e.g.:

  • redeploy troops in order to engage or reinforce regions
  • build economical and military structures
  • recruit units and produce vehicle
  • overview results, budgets and possible (side)mission parameters
  • analyse political, economical and military situation in the regions
  • grant/deny members of the devision rights and medals, promote members

Every player will have his own desk and organisation on it. Every item is shiftable, some are removable. If your planing phase has been completed, the synchronization system of OurAltis is expecting the other division to complete their planning phase, too. When the reaction of both fractions are set, M-CES will create the missions, start the game server and publish the newspaper telling further details.

Main and Side Missions

In order to add some spice to the missions there can be side missions and events according to the current situation in the relevant region. The main task of an engage is to take over the base and therfore also the region. If there are other interesting objectives, like destroying a hostile hangar standing in this region, you can do so and skip the main task by retreating after the side mission has been completed. Possible side missions and events, that are already built in are:

  • A spy, who either gives valuable information about the hostile force level and budget or attacks you, because it's a double agent. Four possible behaviors may occour. You'll never know, but you can calculate it by considering the acceptance of the civilians in the region. Estimate how trustful an agent is before approaching him!
  • Factories, hangars and barracks built in the WebGui appear on the map while playing a mission. Therefore a possible side mission can be to blow up hostile ones, so that enemies can't recruit or produce in this region for the next rounds.
  • Armed resistance, that can occure, if civilian agreement isn't that high in a region. Either they're fighting for or against you, depending on how you treat the population during operations. You can have a look at the political atmosphere in the WebGUI.
Mission Creating and Eveluating System

M-CES is the core of OurAltis and the bridge between the WebGUI and ArmA itself. The main goal was to create a system, that automatically develops diversified missions by taking account of the current situation on Altis' regions. This situation is influenced by many circumstances, which are changing every round depending on your behavior in the WebGUI and the battlefield:

  • military, e.g. amount of troops in a region
  • economical, e.g. built/destroyed factories/hangars
  • political, e.g. Murdering of uninvolved, Accepting provided jobs
  • weather, time

These factors may create several side missions and may be hindering or supportive forces for future activities in this or nearby regions. There is another aspect these factors influence: Your budget. When all operations of a round have been completed, M-CES will eveluate the results and adapt the situatiuon in each region for the next planning round.

A newspaper automatically summerizes all events.